What to Include in Your Author Press Kit and Why You Should Have One

Your book tells your story. Whether it's a fantasy novel that speaks to real world issues, a self-help title to improve readers’ lives, or a guide to building and growing a business, you’ve put it all down on paper for the world to see. But reviewers, guest bookers, and journalists don’t have time to look over a 300 page manuscript.

That’s where a press kit comes in. A press kit, or media kit, is an essential tool for both your book and your brand. By making all the key information available in a quick, attractive package you give yourself the best chance to land coverage and exposure for your book.

A press kit should include everything a media member needs to say “yes.” It’s a tool for communicating the value you and the book bring to audiences. Press kits highlight all the effort you’ve put into publishing your book, from securing blurbs to conducting advance interviews to all the time you’ve spent building up your social media presence.

A professionally designed press kit lends you and your book credibility, providing a controlled message in an accessible and inviting format. Here are six essential elements to creating an effective and memorable press kit.

Your Author Bio

This is your chance to show the media who you are and what you’re about. Your bio, which you’ve likely already written as part of your book, should speak to your expertise in the subject area, including your credentials, education, and professional background. While your book is always a central component of your press kit, sometimes the book is an extension of a larger picture surrounding an author’s brand or thought leadership. If that’s the case, feel free to include other relevant aspects of your life and career to provide the full picture.

Information About the Book

The book is the focal point of the press kit, and as such you should devote the appropriate amount of time and space to sharing the key details. Every press kit should include the book’s title, subtitle, publication date, cover copy, and a cover image.

Media History

If an editor, producer, or host is intrigued by what they see, a link to past media coverage could be a difference maker. Providing links to past media experience is your press kit’s way of saying “don’t take my word for it, see for yourself!” Have you been featured in the local paper? Recorded a podcast interview? Contributed articles online? Blogged? Each of these features proves you’re the real deal and gives interested media a sample of what you have to offer.


Endorsements, whether related to your book or your business, are a great way to showcase unbiased, third-party praise from reputable individuals.

Suggested Questions

Including a list of suggested interview questions is an extremely beneficial aspect of a press kit. For one, it makes it easier for potential interviewers to say “Yes!” to hosting you since you’ve taken the initiative to do part of their job for them. Plus, by writing the questions yourself, you can steer the conversation to your preferred talking points and anecdotes, setting you up to better represent yourself and your ideas.

Speaking Engagements

Many authors utilize their books as a tool for business and career development, and part of that effort involves generating speaking opportunities. Whether corporate, motivational, or educational, speaking engagements are a great way to build your brand, share your message, and sell more books. Including a section in your press kit on what you bring to an organization as a keynote speaker or guest lecturer gives recipients a complete picture of your comfort with public speaking. It further demonstrates your expertise of the subject matter and shows your commitment and ongoing engagement to promoting the book. Your press kit can emphasize recommended talking points from the book and other aspects of your business while showcasing photos and links to past speaking engagements.

Interested in learning how Greenleaf can help produce your press kit? Email our Digital Media Outreach team for more information.