Book Marketing

Industry Information

The Top Podcasts for Authors

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Today, there are more than two million podcasts being produced on just about every topic imaginable. Podcasts can be enjoyable, entertaining, and—perhaps most importantly—educational for the listener. As you can imagine, there are more than a few podcasts about the publishing industry. From publishing options to marketing advice, authors desire as much information and guidance as possible about publishing a book, which is why we’ve compiled a list of some of the best podcasts on the topic.

Can I Get in Trouble for Running a Social Media Sweepstakes or Contest?

Can I Get in Trouble for Running a Social Media Sweepstakes or Contest?

Running a sweepstakes or contest on social media can be a great way to promote your book or your brand: it’s fun when people can actively participate in your marketing, and everybody likes a chance to win free stuff! But before you begin, it’s important to be aware that sweepstakes and contests entail a unique and somewhat stringent set of legal requirements and restrictions. Anyone who plans to run either type of promotion should make sure that it complies with federal and state regulations, as well as the terms and conditions of the social media platforms on which it will appear.